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About Pam

For over 30 years, I have been a professional educator working

in the field of athletics and leadership:

•Dean of Students

•Athletic Director


•Director of Curriculum and Programming

•Lead Workshop Facilitator  

•Certified Life Coach

To date I have:

•delivered over 800 workshops

•served as keynote speaker 

•provided 1 on 1 coaching to a variety of clients 

•delivered at over 50 conferences

Clients have included:

•Administrators and faculty

•Non-profit leaders/organizations

•High school athletic departments & teams

•College athletic departments & teams

*Board of Directors 

•Government Agency

Possessing a unique background, I bring engaging interpersonal skill development to any business or organization. I am versed in a wide array of topics including:

•organizational culture

•leadership development

•equity and inclusion in sports

•health and wellness

Head Shot

Pamela M Herath

Facilitating Our Coach Institute

"Every business, team and school has a culture and it is going to default to something less desirable unless you intentionally create it." 

Pam H.

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